by Kristan Kershaw | Apr 21, 2023 | Minerals
Hi there! My name is Kristan Kershaw, and I’m the Director of Supporting Balance. My team and I teach people how minerals work in the body and how to balance those minerals for optimal health. In this blog, we’re talking about investing in wholefood...
by Kristan Kershaw | Apr 14, 2023 | Minerals
Five synthetic supplements that do more harm than good! Not all supplements are created equal. You need the right ones for you. If you have children, you probably want to have enough energy to run around with (and after) them, right? It’d also be great if...
by Kristan Kershaw | May 20, 2022 | Stress, The Root Cause Protocol
Let’s talk about the impact travel has on our bodies. When travelling, our bodies are often under additional stress and we have different needs minerals and electrolytes wise, to keep us in balance. If we are sitting for long periods of time such as long...
by Kristan Kershaw | Mar 24, 2021 | Media, The Root Cause Protocol
Kristan joined Stuart Cooke on the 180 Nutrition podcast where she discussed the Root Cause Protocol. If you would like to understand more about what the protocol is and how it can help, it’s a great place to start. You can learn a lot about the Root Cause Protocol...