Terms & Conditions

Website Terms & Conditions


Welcome! This website, https://supportingbalance.com.au/, is owned and operated by Supporting Balance Pty Ltd ABN: 68 622 592 812. If you have any questions or need further information, please reach out to our team at: hello@supportingbalance.com.au.

This document sets out the Terms and Conditions you need to be aware of when using this website or purchasing from us. Please take a moment to read it, as it sets out the terms of our relationship so that we may benefit from clear boundaries and knowing what to expect from each other.

When you visit this website, use our services, or purchase our products, you agree that you are over the age of 18 and willing to be bound by these Terms & Conditions. If you don’t agree, you should not continue to visit this website or purchase anything from us.

All products and services advertised on this website are offered in compliance with Australian Consumer Law.

These Terms & Conditions may be changed or modified from time to time. Please check back regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes.

There may be additional, specific terms of purchase provided to you in relation to our products and services. If there is any inconsistency between this document and those specific terms of service, these Website Terms & Conditions are overruled to the extent of the inconsistency.

Content Disclaimer

On this website and in our social media accounts, we provide information about minerals and nutrients in the body and how imbalances, deficiencies and excesses in our biochemistry can impact on our health. This content is provided solely for your education and personal development to help support you in getting your body back into balance.

Content Policy

We conduct extensive research in order to provide content that we believe to be valuable and true but we have no responsibility for the use that you make of that information.

Please be aware that the generalised information we provide is not a substitute for specialist advice tailored to your individual circumstances.

There is no professional relationship formed by your visit to our website unless you explicitly choose to work with us by purchasing our services or products.

Any testimonials or results we may display on this website are based on our experience and those of our previous clients. They are not guarantees that anyone else will achieve the same results.

While we take all reasonable care to ensure that the content we create is accurate, relevant and up to date, we make no guarantees and disclaim any legal liability for inaccuracy, incompleteness or error. If you find something that seems problematic, it would be very helpful if you let us know!

We may modify our content at any time, including altering or deleting it without notice.

Visitor Responsibilities

You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing while browsing the internet. Do not act on anything you read without first conducting your own research, consulting appropriately qualified professionals, and making informed choices about what is right for you, based on your personal circumstances.

It really should go without saying, but as a user of our website, you agree not to behave maliciously, spam any other user, post defamatory content about anyone, infect any aspect of our website with malware, hack into any part of our website where you don’t have our permission to be, or use our website for any purpose other than consuming our content, engaging in our programs, and purchasing our products or services. You also agree not to use our website or content in any way that is unlawful or harmful to any other person or business. If you do, we have the right to refuse you service and ban you from accessing our website or social media.


This site may offer paid and free downloads. While we take cybersecurity seriously and make every reasonable effort to ensure these downloads are safe and hassle free, we are not responsible for any viruses or other damage which might occur as a result of you downloading material from this site. Please make safety your priority and ensure you have adequate protection against viruses and other malicious attacks that may occur without my knowledge or consent.

External Links

From time to time we may provide links to external sites. We have no control over the information provided on these sites, and the links are solely for your information, education or entertainment. We do not endorse any products they offer for sale and have no relationship with them unless otherwise clearly notified.

Disclaimer for Services and Products

There are a number of ways you may choose to work with us that are available to purchase or book through our website. The terms and conditions in this document apply to all of our services and products unless alternative terms are explicitly provided to you.

We offer online consultations and arrange testing to identify mineral and metabolic imbalance, and assist you to implement the Root Cause Protocol, a research based lifestyle designed to support bodies in getting back to balance. We also offer a range of trusted products and supplements in our shop for your convenience.

Our intention in offering these products and services is to support you with taking control of your health by addressing the unique, hidden mineral and nutrient deficiencies that may be holding you back.

Why Work with Us?

With our background in science and a solid holistic health and natural nutrition focus, we work to help you interpret the messages your body is sending about what it needs to thrive – for better health every day, and to support yourself in times of stress.

All of our consultants are fully trained in, and very knowledgeable about, the Root Cause Protocol. We come from varied backgrounds, mostly in the scientific and allied health industries. We have been drawn to this work by challenges in our own lives and the lives of those we love, so we are able to fully empathise with your experiences. You can read more about the individual journeys and interests of our consultants on our About Us page.

What we Expect from You

Important information about how to care for your own wellbeing and get the most value out of working with us is set out below. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us before proceeding with your booking or purchase.

In addition to the information below, you will give yourself the best chance of a positive outcome if you have pre-read or watched our introductory video and have a basic knowledge of the Root Cause Protocol.

Important Information

We will provide you with instructions for the tests you need to take. However, it is entirely your responsibility to obtain the tests that we recommend. This may include seeing your GP to obtain pathology request forms, locating pathology centres that will carry out the tests that we require such as testing blood samples for specific minerals and/or vitamins, and purchasing, taking and submitting hair samples. Some test results may take longer to obtain, so you will need to discuss this with us and factor it in when booking your consultations. Some of our consultants are particularly busy – please check their availability in advance on our Bookings page so you are aware of any waiting times, and understand that you may need to book future appointments promptly in order to avoid disappointment. If you are not sure how to proceed or would like help choosing the best consultation for your needs, please take advantage of our 15 minute discovery call.

After our initial consultation, any advice or recommendations we offer will reflect what you have told us about your history, stressful events, current needs and circumstances, and your test results.

We require you to fill out a detailed client history form and be honest about the challenges you are facing. We use a Google form for this purpose. We subscribe to Google Workspace so our data is protected under their highest level of security. However, if you don’t feel this is sufficiently secure, we are prepared to accept any other method of transferring the information, including by copying and pasting the questions into an email, or posting them to us. Please ask us if you require more information about this. We respect your right to privacy and confidentiality. All our client records are stored securely in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Please be upfront and open with us, as a failure to disclose relevant circumstances or considerations may limit our ability to assist you effectively, and in some cases may be dangerous to your health. Any recommendations or suggestions we provide are for you alone, based on your specific needs. They must not be shared with others.

Following a consultation, we are happy to provide limited support to clear up minor confusions and ensure you are confident in implementing any suggestions we discussed, which will be set out in your consult summary. Our consultants are very busy, so if your questions go beyond what we can answer as a quick follow up, we will ask you to book a consultation so that we can respond to you properly. If you have a number of questions, you may wish to keep a record of them so you can bring them all to your next consult. Our consultants endeavour to reply to emails within 1-2 business days. If your concern is urgent, you will need to speak to your GP or seek assistance at your local hospital.

You will need to be patient and consistent in implementing our suggestions. Imbalances do not happen overnight, and they cannot be fixed with a wave of a magic wand (although we all wish they could)! You are likely to need multiple consultations over time and it is essential that you take ownership of your journey towards recovery. It is our hope that over time you will become more in tune with the needs of your body and able to make adjustments on your own in order to maintain your wellbeing.

It is important to get clearance from your doctor before making major changes to your lifestyle. If any concerns arise during our work together, we strongly recommend you seek advice from an appropriately qualified professional. RCP Practitioners are not necessarily medical or mental health professionals, and our work does not treat or diagnose any disease or illness.

At all times, you remain fully responsible for your own physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. If you are taking any medication or treatments, this is not the time to stop. If you are working with other health practitioners, it is important that you inform us and continue any treatment plans. Having said this, please be aware that having your toes in different ponds can cause difficulties at times. For example, it is not a good idea to be doing a detox with a naturopath or an elimination diet with a nutritionist at the same time as you are implementing the Root Cause Protocol. That is why it is important that you let us know in advance, so we can adjust our recommendations for you accordingly.

You will get the most out of working with us if you are curious and open to experimentation. You need to be willing to challenge yourself to start listening to your body even if you don’t know what that means and how to do it. It is our intention to help you gradually increase your self-awareness, as the more you learn to listen and respond the more you become your own guru instead of being reliant on external support.

You might not be a good fit for this work if you are ingrained in a medically mainstream mentality. You need to be ready to let go of what you think you know and be open to a different understanding. If you resist or contradict every suggestion that we make, you will not get much value out of working with us.

While our suggestions may help you make minor improvements in your quality of life, the assistance we can provide you is likely to be limited if you are suffering from a major illness.


We do not make any guarantees or warranties about the accuracy of any material displayed on this website, or the products, services, or programs offered through it, except for any non-excludable consumer guarantees and other consumer protection provisions set out in the Australian Consumer Law. We are human and errors creep in despite the best of intentions. If you see something that doesn’t seem right, please let us know.

While we make all reasonable efforts to ensure that this website and our services and products meet with the highest standards of best practice, if something does go wrong that is not a direct result of our negligence, misrepresentation or deliberate fault, you agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or related to our website, any products or services purchased through it, or any material posted on it, irrespective of whether such damages were foreseeable, and regardless of the nature of the claim.

You take full responsibility for your implementation of any suggestions that we may make while providing my services. You understand that our advice is limited to providing you with options for your consideration, and that you are solely responsible for any actions that you choose to take. Always consult your own values and vision, do your own research, and check with appropriately qualified professionals before making major decisions or making significant changes. You agree to indemnify us against all consequences arising directly or indirectly from your choices.

You expressly agree that if this indemnity is unenforceable for any reason, our total cumulative liability for all causes of action of any kind shall not exceed the amount that you have paid to us.

Payment Terms

All prices on our website are in Australian dollars and are inclusive of GST.

Payment is made at the time of purchase for products, or the time of booking for services. You may pay by credit card, using Stripe, or Paypal. All financial details are stored according to the relevant payment provider’s security policy.

Consultations must be used within 6 months from the date of purchase unless we have agreed to an extension. Extensions are granted on a case by case basis at our sole discretion. In making our decision, we will take into account the current waiting period for the consultant you have chosen and any personal circumstances that you have asked us to consider. To request an extension, please email our team: hello@supportingbalance.com.au. Consultations that are not used during the required period (including any extension we have granted) will incur additional fees. These will include any difference between the price you paid and the current cost of the consultation, and our reasonable administration costs in dealing with your request. Additional fees may be waived, at our sole discretion, if you provide evidence that the delay was due to circumstances beyond your control.

Payment plans for consultations are offered for your convenience only, so you can spread your payment out over time. You are still committed to paying the whole amount, even if you change your mind about your booking. It is your responsibility to ensure you have sufficient funds to make payment instalments on time. We do not pause or extend payment plans under any circumstances, even if we agree to extend the booking time for your consultation. You must still pay your instalments according to the agreed schedule.

If an invoice is more than 90 days overdue, you agree to pay all costs, including debt collection agency fees and solicitor’s costs, that we may incur in taking steps to recover any money that you owe to us, regardless of whether legal proceedings are issued in relation to the debt.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMAs) that are purchased from us must be sent to Interclinical Laboratories per instructions we provide, within 6 months of purchase or prior to any laboratory price increases. We will advise all clients of laboratory price increases as soon as practical after we have been advised, to give you time to collect your sample.

If you wish to use a HTMA kit outside of this time, it may be possible to still use it, but you must contact us first to discuss. If there have been any laboratory fee changes in the time since purchase, this gap will need to be paid to us before submitting the HTMA to Interclinical. If you submit the sample to the laboratory before paying any gap in fees, we may hold results until the outstanding gap invoice has been paid.

Refund Policy


Please note, all refund requests must be received within 14 days of purchase. Requests received after 14 days will not be considered.

We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, and we understand that sometimes, people make mistakes in placing an order. Please be aware that the following refund policies apply if you change your mind, which includes realising that you ordered the wrong item.

If you contact us to cancel an order before it is shipped, we will process a refund for the purchase price of your order, minus any fees charged to us by the payment processor (such as PayPal) for processing your original payment. These fees will be deducted from your refund amount.

If you change your mind about the purchase of a product after it has been shipped, you must return the product to us in its original condition to receive a refund. Shipping for this return is at your expense. Returned products will be inspected on arrival back at our warehouse. If the product has been opened or damaged in any way, it will not qualify for a refund. If the item is returned in satisfactory condition, we will process your refund minus any fees charged to us by the payment processor, and minus the cost of shipping, unless the product was part of a larger order, in which case we will refund the amount you paid for that specific product.

If you have placed an order that is a recurring subscription, you must notify us at least 7 days before your next payment is due in order to cancel the subscription. If you notify us after the order has been shipped, the change of mind policy above will apply.

On the rare occasions that an item is out of stock we will contact you to offer alternative options. If an item is listed as out of stock on our website, we encourage you to use the “notify me” option so that you are contacted when our inventory is restocked. Unless otherwise marked on the listing, most items will be restocked within 7 days.

If there is a problem with your order when it arrives, you must send photos of the damaged or wrong items to warehouse@supportingbalance.com.au. You do not need to return the items. We will send a replacement product to you. If you do not send clear photos showing us that there is a problem, we will not replace the product.

If delivery of an order is delayed, let us know as soon as possible, and we will lodge a query with Australia Post. We aim to ship all orders received in the morning on the same day, and afternoon orders are shipped on the next business day. If there is a delay in shipping at our end due to unexpected circumstances, we will contact you to let you know.

We are not responsible for orders once they are shipped. If an order is lost or damaged in transit, you must pursue the remedies that are available to you through Australia Post.


If you have purchased a consultation and no longer wish to proceed, you may request a refund up until 48hrs before the scheduled consultation time. Refund requests made after this time will not be considered. All refunds for change of mind on consultations incur a 20% administration fee.


We take our obligations under Australian Consumer Law seriously and will do our best to address any issues that arise. However, even if there is a major problem, our liability is strictly limited to:

  • replacing the goods or providing the services again; or
  • if we are unable to do so within a reasonable time, refunding the full amount that you have paid to me.

If you feel that there is any problem with our services or your purchase from our store, please let us know within 14 days of your product purchase, or 48 hours after your consultation. We are keen to understand what has gone wrong if you are unhappy so that we can address your concerns and try to find a mutually acceptable solution.

Delivery of Consultations

All consultations are delivered online via Zoom. You can find everything you need to prepare for your consultation HERE.

You will receive a confirmation email and follow up reminders from Acuity that include a link to the zoom session. Please note that reminders are generally sent out 24 hours and 1 hour before the session, so if you receive an email at a weird time of day (for you) reach out to us as soon as possible to ensure there has not been a time zone or booking error.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your booking is correct and any errors are notified to us in advance. We have very long waiting lists, and it is frustrating for everyone when clients fail to attend appointments that they have booked. If you are late to an appointment, the session will still finish at the booked time.

Cancellation and rescheduling requests must be received at least 48 hours before the consultation start time, so that we can offer your session time to someone else. If you do not provide 48 hours’ notice, or you fail to attend your consultation session, you will forfeit your consultation fee. You may reschedule an appointment (with 48 hours’ notice) up to 3 times. Every request to reschedule after the first 3 requests will incur an administrative fee of $33. This is because we put time and effort into preparing to support you and arranging our time so we can most effectively serve our clients, and multiple requests to reschedule are very disruptive for our consultants and our administrative team.

We understand that emergencies happen, so if you are prevented from attending a consultation due to circumstances beyond your control, please contact us with an explanation as soon as possible, and we will endeavour to find a mutually acceptable time to reschedule. Please note that there is likely to be a delay, as we are often booked out well in advance. If anything is unclear or confusing, we encourage you to reach out to us so we can provide clarification.

Shipping Policy

Shipping fees are calculated at checkout, based on your location and the size of your order. Tracking numbers are provided once your order has shipped.

We may agree to combine orders, at our sole discretion. We realise that sometimes you may forgot to add something to your order and wish to avoid paying postage twice. While you are welcome to ask for your orders to be combined, please be aware that it causes complications for our warehouse staff, and we reserve the right to say no without further explanation.

Intellectual Property

Copyright & Trade Secrets

The content of this website and in all our resources is protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world, with all rights reserved.

You may store, print and reproduce the publicly available content that we supply solely for your own personal use, and only if we are clearly acknowledged as the source.

If you are participating in our courses, content may be printed or downloaded to a local hard disk strictly for your personal and non-commercial use. Course content contains trade secrets that are offered exclusively to participants. It is an essential condition of participation that you agree that you will not provide extracts of any course content to anyone else under any circumstances.

Commercial exploitation of our content in any way that competes with our business is strictly prohibited.

You may link to content on our website or social media profiles, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. However,  you must not suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists.

Trade Marks

We own the unregistered trade marks, logos, and service marks displayed on this website, including the name Supporting Balance. These trade marks may not be used in connection with any other product or service without a licence, or in any way that is likely to cause confusion in the marketplace, or in any manner that disparages us or our business.

We are authorised to display the Root Cause Protocol trade mark with the permission of the trade mark owner.

Respectful Communication

We reserve the right to moderate any comments made on this website, in the Facebook Groups we control, and on any of our social media pages and profiles, including deleting comments that we deem to be rude, offensive, spammy or unacceptable, without any notification or correspondence with you. Keep all communication kind and polite, please.

Disrespectful or aggressive behaviour towards our team, our consultants or anybody else will not be tolerated.

If a dispute arises, you agree to refrain from engaging in any public discussions regarding the matter, communicate with us in a polite and respectful manner and avoid any behaviour or communication that could reasonably be expected to negatively impact our business or personal interests.

Dispute Resolution & Jurisdiction

If you have any concerns, issues, or complaints arising out of your use of this website, our products or services, or these terms and conditions, you agree to communicate with us with the intention of making a genuine effort to seek a win/win solution and trying to resolve the dispute in good faith through negotiation and discussion. Please email us at hello@supportingbalance.com.au and expect a response within 2 business days.

If the dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation and discussion within 21 days, you agree to proceed to mediation with the assistance of an independent accredited mediator, seeking mediation online or by telephone if anyone would need to travel for more than an hour to attend the mediation.

The mediator is to be appointed by agreement, or failing agreement within 14 days of the negotiation period ending, we will provide you with contact details for at least 2 appropriately qualified, neutral mediators (having first confirmed their availability), and you must select one of them within 48 hours of receiving the nominations. All costs of mediation must be shared equally.

Legal action must not be commenced until, in the opinion of the independent mediator, the potential for negotiation and mediation have been exhausted.

These Website Terms & Conditions are subject to the governing law of Queensland, Australia. Regardless of where you live in the world, you irrevocably agree that if the dispute resolution processes fail, the courts of Queensland, and the Commonwealth of Australia, will have exclusive jurisdiction.

Thank you for reading & respecting our T&Cs

This document was created with the support of Carefree Counsel. Copying it without permission is an infringement of our copyright and Carefree Counsel’s. Look after your business and your clients by getting your own Contracts that Care!

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