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What is “whole food Vitamin C?”


Whole food Vitamin C includes an ascorbic acid “shell” and bioflavonoids which includes (but is not limited to) tyrosinase, a copper-based oxidase enzyme that is critical to the production of melanin in our bodies.

That is, without enough tyrosinase, we cannot make melanin.

From Dr Robert Thompson, author of the ‘Calcium Lie II’:

“Vitamin C complex molecules also contain P, K and J factors, the tyrosinase enzyme, at least 14 known bioflavonoids, various ascorbagens, five copper ions, iron, manganese, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and yes, ascorbic acid.”

Did you know?

We, along with guinea pigs, cannot make our own Vitamin C! Did you know this?

Whole food Vitamin C includes tyrosinase – a copper-based enzyme. Without “functional” (bioavailable) copper, this component cannot function, and metabolic pathways are disrupted.


Are you getting enough?

One of the biggest storage locations for vitamin c in humans is our adrenal glands. When our adrenal glands are stressed due to external/internal stress sources (or both), we often end up without enough vitamin c complex available to do even basic tasks.

Tyrosinase must also be present for our white blood cells to do their job, which is connected to our immune system.

The bioflavonoids and p-factors from tyrosinase (again, part of the whole-food-c complex), are needed for collagen and elastin in our connective tissue – those who have skin, muscle, fascia and/or other connective tissue problems, NEED more bioavailable copper within the tyrosinase, to regain this function.

Tyrosinase is needed for steroid hormones in the adrenal tissue, too – it is VERY important!

Not all sources of vitamins and minerals are created equally. You need to find the right ones for you and your body to ensure that you’re gaining the maximum benefit. If you’re ready to get tailored support for your body then book in for a free 15 minute call with one of our team. We’ll discuss your situation and what you’d like to achieve.

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