Do you consider yourself now, or in the past, to be “pretty typical” as far as your health journey and experiences?
I know I do! I was a typical Aussie Mum before I experienced our own journey with food reactions, complex diagnoses and with discovering it didn’t have to “just be that way”…
My story is so typical of what I hear from people around the world too!
Many of my symptoms were in common with my mother and my eldest brother. It was in our genes… ‘just us’. It didn’t need further investigation because there was nothing we could do, right?
I had experienced migraines since I was a teenager, though they got worse after I had my twins in 2006, again after an ectopic pregnancy in 2011 and the icing on the cake after my pregnancy with my youngest in 2012. I had a range of foods that triggered them, as well as things like walking out in the sun without sunglasses on.
My skin would burn with only a little bit of sun exposure and no barrier/sunscreen… only to turn back to white afterward.
I had chronic neck and back pain which had been around since I was a teen after an extremely bad car accident at 10 years old. It made the migraines worse and more frequent, but also led to headaches, days off work due to the inflammation and mobility problems.
As a child and into adulthood, I would wake up dizzy and unable to turn my head for at least a day when it would happen. I have only recently realised that this was vertigo! Nobody could give me any insight into the sensation at the time, nor as an adult with it after the birth of my twins, or later my youngest daughter.
The car accident only compounded it.
My hormones were completely off from a young age, and I was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) by the time I was 17 and put on the pill to then “deal with it later”.
Infertility in my 20’s when we wanted to fall pregnant… medications… followed by a successful pregnancy with twins, though they came 6 weeks early and had massive issues with reflux as babies, and in the transition from babies to toddlers, they developed asthma, eczema and other complications connected to them. We ‘had’ to medicate them with frequent antibiotics for pneumonia and steroids for eczema flares to manage their symptoms as we knew no alternatives at that stage – just what the GP or Paediatrician told us. It was always in my focus to try and make healthy food choices, avoid medications unless absolutely necessary, etc.
This is a story that SO many people share with me in their own versions of their journeys. I had no idea there was more out there than what was in front of me at that time… how can we until something trips the “I need to look deeper here” in us!
All these things were all “just me” – nothing I could do about them… right?
When my youngest child came along, I suddenly was able to bring together snippets of what I learned along the way and some BIG help from ‘the universe’ at critical points to help my helpless little baby who was SO sensitive to the world around her.
Even with a diagnosis of ‘eosinophilic oesophagitis’ when she was just three months old which didn’t have a good outlook… we have kept her free of the medication and interventions we were told were “inevitable”. She’s a VERY typical for her age now and we have navigated this path by initially learning where she and I had imbalances and working on it in a very gentle way, and developing deeper understanding on the ‘why’ as we were able to take it on.
You can check out my past webinar recording here to hear me talk about her story, and how that led to me being free of migraines and dizziness, I have balanced hormones without medications, no sun sensitivity, no food reactions, no chronic pain, and free movement and the most energy and focus I’ve ever experienced. You can also read more about our story here.
Ultimately, my VERY typical story, has turned into something very atypical!
The good news is, you can also experience more energy, relief from symptoms you have always put down to “just being you”, or you’ve been told “you are just getting older”, “it comes with having kids!” or one of the MANY other reasons we are told to ignore our intuition that there’s actually a real cause to how we feel, something we can actively improve.
Please ask any general questions in the comments here, or if you want some personalised help, you can look at the consultation options here.