Over it – with Kristan & Suzanne
This week:
When self soothing becomes self harm
February 22, 2023 – 39 min
What activities are self soothing for you? Where is the line between self soothing and self harm?
Do you watch Netflix and scroll and draw comfort from these activities? OR does it become a mind numbing way of avoiding your feelings and responsibilities?
Tune in today for…
- A discussion of what is self soothing versus self harming consuming behaviours and how sometimes the line between the two becomes blurry.
- Allowing ourselves to zoom out and witness ourselves, and ask the question – why am I doing this? What deeper need is it serving?
- The guilt associated with taking time purely for ourselves and how to overcome these feelings.
- How not to become overly influenced by the expectations of others that we let go of our own priorities.
How to connect with Kristan:
Website: https://supportingbalance.com.au/
Newsletter: https://supportingbalance.com.au/newsletter/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SupportingBalance
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/supportingbalance/
How to connect with Suzanne:
Website: https://www.suzanneculberg.com/
Newsletter: https://www.suzanneculberg.com/newsletter
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/suzanneculberg