With Spring in the air, and the thought of the kids bringing home all kinds of bugs on your mind, now is the perfect time to give your immunity a boost. One of the best ways to do this is to ensure that your body is getting enough vitamin C.
Vitamin C is a key vitamin for a healthy body, yet it can be confusing trying to figure out the best source of vitamin C.
You may have seen ascorbic acid being referred to in the same breath as vitamin C yet there is a key difference. Ascorbic acid only forms the outer shell of the whole food vitamin C complex.
Whole foods are those that are either not processed at all, or processed minimally. Whole food vitamins are made with natural ingredients which are sourced from whole foods and don’t contain synthetic ingredients.
Ascorbic acid vs. the Whole Food Vitamin C Complex
Ascorbic acid provides only a fraction of the whole food vitamin C complex, and doesn’t contain the copper-rich tyrosinase enzyme that your body needs to support core functions in its metabolic processes.
The tyrosinase enzyme is essential for helping your body manage iron and melanin (a valuable antioxidant that helps protect the skin from UVB damage and plays a central role in many areas of the brain). Other elements of that enzyme are needed for collagen and elastin in our connective tissue.
Taking ascorbic acid in the form of supplements, especially multivitamins, robs the body of these important benefits from the tyrosinase enzyme and encourages iron absorption without the copper needed to manage it properly.
When you take ascorbic acid your body is required to divert valuable resources in order to assimilate it, which then reduces copper enzymes that are needed for iron management as well as many other important functions.
This is why we recommend you get vitamin C directly from whole foods as vitamins and minerals that are sourced this way consist of the entire whole food complex that works synergistically with the body and benefits all systems of the body.
Which foods have the highest amount of vitamin C?
Some of the foods we recommend are:
1. Kiwifruit.
2. Strawberries.
3. Oranges.
4. Lemons.
5. Limes.
6. Cabbage.
7. Broccoli.
8. Brussel sprouts.
So it’s easy to understand why you don’t buy the cheap vitamin C tablets from the supermarket, your body will appreciate it if you spend a little more time in the fruit and vegetable department instead.
Not all sources of vitamins and minerals are created equally. You need to find the right ones for you and your body to ensure that you’re gaining the maximum benefit. If you’re ready to get tailored support for your body then book in for a free 15 minute call with one of our team. We’ll discuss your situation and what you’d like to achieve.