Cold and Flu Remedies


Is it just me, or does it seem like cold and flu symptoms are everywhere, regardless of the season? Walking through the grocery aisle yesterday, I was presented with a symphony of coughs, sneezes and blowing noses, which reminded me of the challenging week I had faced last month with both my children sick with a not-so-pleasant virus.

When my children (or I) are faced with any cold or flu virus, I refer to a trusty little journal of natural remedies I have in my useful filo-fax (otherwise known as my brain!) collated from a wealth of knowledge and experience from myself, other RCPCs, mums, friends, colleagues, books, articles and more.

As we know, natural remedies for healing have been around for centuries, and there are thousands of them. But for now, here are a couple I tried recently that got my children through last month when they were plagued with that fabulous circulating high fevers and croup-like cough.


Symptom 1: Fever


Remedy 1 – Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil contains menthol, which modifies thermoreceptors and provides a cooling sensation and eases pain.

What you will need: 

  • Peppermint oil (pure essential oil)
  • Carrier oil (e.g. fractionated coconut oil)
  • Essential oil roller bottle (I typically use 10ml size)

Note: when using essential oils for the first time we suggest going to a trained practitioner to learn about how to make up and apply the oils safely and to determine the safe age for applying on children.

Application instructions:

Step 1:
Ratio: 1 drop of essential oil to 5 drops (as a minimum) of carrier oil into a roller bottle.
Step 2:  
Adults: Roll on temples and/or neck/spine/feet every 15 minutes until the temperature is back to normal
Children: Roll down the spine or on the chest (you don’t want them rubbing it with their hands and then accidentally rubbing their eyes, which is why I suggest putting it on their back if they are young).



Remedy 2 – Garlic Poultice

Garlic is a stimulating diaphoretic, it helps your body warm up when you have the chills.


What you will need:

  • 1 garlic clove
  • Muslin wrap, glad wrap or thin cloth


Application instructions:

Step 1:
Slice or crush a clove of garlic into thin slices and place in cloth/wrap.
Step 2:
Place against the sole of your foot and wrap a bandage around the foot to secure the poultice in place. I didn’t have a bandage, so put a sock over the kid’s feet instead.

Note: Garlic is never to be used against the skin; ensure it has a wrapping or barrier to prevent it from burning the skin. 


    Symptom 2: Cough


    Remedy 1: Humidifier

    I live in one of the driest places on the planet, South Australia, and during the winter months with dry air outside and dry air from the heating systems inside, I use a humidifier in the bedrooms every night (sick or not sick). It’s so simple, and when you are struggling with that chesty dry cough, the humidifier will help to warm and soften the air as you sleep.

    Remedy 2: Onion Poultice

    An onion poultice can work beautifully to fight bacteria, quickly break up mucus and clear congestion. The poultice is warming and will calm the body – this remedy stopped my daughter’s bark-like coughing fits in their tracks in minutes. This is a great holistic remedy that everyone should have in their back pocket!

    What you will need

    • 1 onion (small for child, larger for adult)
    • Knife to cut it up!
    • Muslin wrap or thin cloth (or cling wrap if you don’t have anything else)
    • Heating pad/hot water bottle

    Application instructions:

    • Cut up half to a full onion (you can dice or do large slices) – small onion for children and larger for an adult because you want it to cover the chest area
    • Optional step – fry the onion briefly until slightly soft but not browned (if you choose this option, make sure it has cooled enough – just warm – before doing the next step)
    • Wrap the onion in a tea towel, muslin or thin cloth
    • Place the poultice on your chest
      Place a heat bag over the poultice
    • You can leave this on for several hours, replacing the heating pad as needed to keep the poultice warm.

    Note: my children no longer wanted this on their chest by the third day, so when their coughs had eased and broken up, I placed a bowl of chopped onions next to the humidifier in their room to circulate the onion properties in the humid air. 

    Additional healing and immune-boosting tips

    Along with the above soulful remedies, below are some additional healing and Immune boosting tips:
    • Drink plenty of filtered water with mineral drops (quantities as per the RCP handbook), warm water is always best when sick.
    • Fill your body with wholefood vitamin C
    • Daily adrenal cocktails
    • Sip on warm fresh garlic, ginger, lemon and manuka honey teas
    • Drink homemade bone broth to rest the Gastrointestinal Tract
    • Rest. Rest. Rest!
    We always encourage you to do your research when trying new natural remedies and consult a physician/doctor at any time if you feel necessary. If you’re ready to get tailored support for your family, then book a free 15-minute zoom call with one of our team. We’ll discuss your situation, and what you’d like to achieve so we can point you in the right direction for a consult.


    Chrissy Murphy
    Root Cause Protocol Consultant

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