Adrenal Cocktail Recipes

What is the ‘adrenal cocktail’?

The adrenal cocktail is a drink designed to help support a reduction of oxidative stress in the body, including in our adrenal glands.

During times of stress, our adrenal glands release a variety of hormones to help us manage the stress response. With continued stress and not replenishing nutrients, our adrenals end up not able to respond in the same way as they once would.

We end up burned out and often with escalating other symptoms!

In general, any “Adrenal Cocktail” recipe should deliver approximately:

  • 375mg of Potassium
  • 460mg of Sodium
  • 60mg of Wholefood Vitamin C (from food or a whole food supplement)

The typical recipe people start with is with orange juice, salt and cream of tartar.

  • 1/2 cup orange juice (preferably organic, freshly squeezed – approximately 1 large orange will often be enough)
  • 1/4 tsp salt (eg celtic, Australian local salt options, Himalayan – any options not heavily refined, processed and with additives)
  • 1/4 tsp cream of tartar

If you have no known problems with these components, we suggest starting there. Many people feel fine with this combination, but if you notice anything that doesn’t leave you feeling like you should continue, there are some alternative options below.

There are MANY ‘mix and match’ options to create the combination of vitamin c, potassium, sodium to make the adrenal cocktails – please just pick one you are drawn to… try it and don’t overthink things. Better to start with something, and then adjust over time… than to overthink and worry which will be best. Where you can, use ingredients you are familiar with, if they are all new to your body, just PICK SOMETHING!

You can also read more here about the adrenal cocktails.

Whole food vitamin c alternatives

Sometimes people don’t feel great with orange juice – histamine reactions may be a challenge, or for some it’s the natural sugars. It is important to NOT push through if it doesn’t feel right for your body.

You may like to try freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice in water (Kristan feels this tastes freshest in cold water or cold carbonated water if you like bubbles – try it and see what your body likes!).

Alternatively, using whole food vitamin c options and drinking the salts in a cup of water or coconut water is ok too.

Options in the Supporting Balance shop:

For other countries outside of Australia, please review the options here.

Potassium Alternatives

Sometimes cream of tartar isn’t tolerated and can cause a histamine reaction, or may just not feel good for your body. Most people are fine, but if you find it doesn’t sit right, the following alternatives are good to try.

Aim to source food grade options of these products.

Potassium bicarbonate:

If using OJ, you just need only a small sprinkle – 1/16 tsp if attempting to measure.

If using another Wholefood C source, not OJ, 1/4 teaspoon is all you typically need for the ~375mg in the recipe.

Potassium bicarbonate is available in the Supporting Balance shop here.

Potassium chloride:

If using OJ, you also need only a little sprinkle of this. Less than the potassium bicarbonate.

If using a Wholefood C source, not OJ, you need only 1/8 tsp to give you ~375mg in the recipe.

Potassium chloride is available from iHerb here.


Below you will find 3 DIY recipe cards, any of which you can use based on what resources you have available and/or can tolerate.

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