Cost-effective ways to take care of your health


Cost-effective ways to take care of your health

When it comes to health and nutrition in 2024, we are all thinking about how much things cost. The challenge these days is getting the most bang for your buck while taking care of your health. Not to mention how busy we all are, and the need for foods that are convenient!

Sometimes, fresh food can seem to cost a lot more than ready-made meals. Yet, when we eat a lot of processed foods (or junk food), we end up feeling like rubbish. We are what we eat, after all. So, how do we balance good nutrition with the cost of living? Join me for an online presentation on how to navigate this delicate balance. 

We’ll discuss some simple ideas to take care of your health in the short term for long-term benefits. I’ll share some ideas on how I feed my family of 5 predominantly organic, junk-free meals for less $$ than you would expect. 

Let’s look after your body (and your family’s bodies) now and into the future!

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