Media Appearances

Media Appearances

The Mineral Blueprint for Health

The Mineral Blueprint for Health

Kristan appears on the Superhuman Blueprint Podcast to delve into the essential role of minerals in health maintenance. They cover how minerals like copper and magnesium are vital for biochemical processes, immune function, and overall well-being.

Heal your body on a cellular level with the RCP

Heal your body on a cellular level with the RCP

Kristan appears on the 180 Nutrition podcast to discuss the Root Cause Protocol, learning to feed your body the correct nutrients and supplements in order to repair cellular dysfunction.

Could M-A-G Solve Your Energy Problems

Could M-A-G Solve Your Energy Problems

Kristan appears on The Recovering Perfectionist podcast with Claire Riley to discuss how your behaviour is impacted by food and minerals… and what to do if you’re imbalanced.

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