Women’s Health Q & A


Women’s Health Q & A

To wrap up the year, Supporting Balance hosted a free women’s health Q&A. It is such a meaty topic that Kristan dedicated a whole hour to answering your questions. This is her way of supporting you with your health holistically, as the year wraps up and into 2025! 

Kristan was blown away by the questions that were pre-asked and those asked on the day. 

Kristan covered the following areas during the event:

  • How to support our body when coming off the Pill – especially after an extended time on it and with only intermittent periods during that time.
  • Is more magnesium needed during the time we are coming off the Pill?
  • Adrenal cocktail alternative recipes
  • Is there a whole-house filter recommended to remove fluoride, chlorine, other heavy metals, chemicals, everyone else’s antibiotics, etc?
  • Does perimenopause cause such complete chaos that my digestion doesn’t like so many other new things? dairy 🙁 gluten 🙁 more than my usual food intolerances.
  • What is the difference please between copper IQ and recuperate IQ?
  • Why potassium matters in our routine, and learning how much we eat versus how much we may need…
  • Types of potassium – are cream of tartar, potassium bicarbonate and potassium iodide ok to use?
  • How to support our body if we get heart flutters (eg heart palpitations)
  • Night time urination frequency – is there anything we can do to help? Is it linked to mineral dysregulation including potassium?
  • How do histamines, copper, potassium and hormones all connect?
  • Do you believe early menopause (30’s) is reversible? Whether its only early stages or if its fully established menopause- can it be reversed?
  • Will the RCP be enough to prevent flushes without bioidentical hormone support? Can it help manage low libido and exercise avoidance/fatigue?
  • What alternative milks can be a good option (for those unable to use dairy)?
  • What can be done to prevent UTIs?
  • I have a friend who is suffering with heavy and painful periods every month.  Not on RCP yet. Any thoughts please? 
  • How we can help

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