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These ten tips can help you to sleep more soundly each night:

1. Get some sunshine on your face in the morning
2. Spend a few minutes each morning focusing on at least ONE thing you are grateful for
3. Include foods rich in potassium each day
4. Drink or eat magnesium regularly throughout the day
5. Regular adrenal cocktails to support even energy and relaxation
6. Watch the sunset – get some last rays of sun on your face if you can
7. Apply some topical magnesium in the hours before bed (soak, mag spray, mag cream)
8. Turn off devices at least an hour before going to bed (blue light!)
9. What is one thing you can learn from today? Note it down, spend a few minutes clearing your “to do” list from your mind before settling to sleep
10. Spend at least 5 minutes focusing on deep breathing (in through the nose, out through the mouth)

Goodnight, and may you sleep well!

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